Explore Our Dedicated Server Options

Dedicated Servers
Intel Xeon E5-2609 v4
1.70 GHz 8Cores 8Threads
PID-11434 REF-DC-6
32GB 2x 500GB / SSD
100Mbps / 15TB $ 374 /Mo.
Intel Xeon E5-2630 v4
2.20 GHz 10Cores 20Threads
PID-11435 REF-DC-6
32GB 2x 500GB / SSD
100Mbps / 15TB $ 441 /Mo.
Intel Xeon E5-2680 v4
2.40 GHz 14Cores 28Threads
PID-11436 REF-DC-6
32GB 2x 500GB / SSD
100Mbps / 15TB $ 585 /Mo.

A Key Hubfor Trade and Quality of Life

Montevideo has the distinction of being the seventh-largest city in Latin America and is known for its exceptional quality of life. The city's bay forms a natural harbor, acclaimed as the most important in Uruguay and one of the key ports in the Southern Cone. The port of Montevideo is a critical gateway for Mercosur's cargo shipments, which drive Uruguay's economy and global trade.

Elevate Your Server Experiencewith Enhanced Control and Support

Supreme Power

Require Power? Configure Your Server with Impressive Specifications to Leave Performance Worries Behind

Choose Any Operating System You Prefer

Select Linux or Windows as Your Standard Option, or Opt for a Completely Custom Installation. It's Your Server, so Feel Free to Customize as You Please.

Root Access and IPMI Privileges

Unmanaged Dedicated Servers offer complete root and IPMI access. Configure your server according to your preferences and customize it to your liking.

Continuous Management

For most servers, we highly recommend Managed Services. We keep an eye on your server 24/7 and respond quickly if there are any problems.

The Superiority of ServerMO Dedicated Serversin Uruguay

ServerMO offers a plethora of advantages that surpass other options in the market. One of our standout features is our competitive pricing plans, ensuring cost-effectiveness for our clients. Additionally, our Dedicated Servers in Uruguay are housed in top-of-the-line data centers with excellent bandwidth, guaranteeing optimal performance. Clients benefit from superior website speed due to efficient data transmission, enhancing their overall user experience.

A picture of server and cloud

SuperchargeYour Hosting Experience with ServerMO

A picture of processor chip

Dedicated Hardware Excellence

A dedicated server operates by allocating all web resources exclusively to one client. This ensures superior performance, security, and reliability as resources are not shared with other websites or users.

A picture of shield with check mark represents best security

Secure Physical Separation

A dedicated server operates on a physical separation basis within the main server, akin to storing money in a physical bank rather than a virtual locker. Unlike virtual lockers, which are more susceptible to hacking attempts, dedicated servers offer enhanced security that is highly resistant to breaches.

A picture of ssh text in window its represent ssh connection

SSH Root Access Benefits

Considerations for removing outdated applications or software are common in server management. With dedicated server SSH root access, you have the freedom to uninstall or update software without relying on the hosting provider's expertise or approval. This level of access streamlines the process of optimizing your server's performance and functionality.

A picture of servers meters and clock represents speed of servers

Optimal Server Performance

A dedicated server is renowned for delivering exceptional server performance, thanks to the optimal utilization of web resources. This superior performance not only boosts SEO ranking and website speed but also enhances user experience significantly.

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Ready to Order ?

Ready to elevate your online presence? Our easy-to-navigate platform is crafted to simplify the journey. Regardless of skill level, a seamless experience is ensured with our user-friendly ordering platform. Select your hosting plan, tailor your preferences, and with just a few clicks, you'll be on the path to a swift, secure, and dependable online presence. No need to delay—take the plunge today and witness the positive transformation!

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